This function takes as input a list of hOUwie models and outputs their relative fit to a dataset.
type = "BIC")
Models are named based either on the names of the list or the order in which they are provided. If names are given, the rownames will reflect the input. If no names are given, model are assigned names M1 to Mn for the 1 to n models.
A data.frame containing the number of parameters (np), total joint log likelihood (lnLik), marginal discrete log likelihood (DiscLik), marginal continuous log likelihood (ContLik), Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), difference in AIC (dAIC), and AIC weight (AICwt).
Akaike H. 1998. Information Theory and an Extension of the Maximum Likelihood Principle. :15.
Burnham K.P., Anderson D.R. 2002. Model selection and multimodel inference: a practical information-theoretic approach. New York: Springer.
# \donttest{
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# fit several possible models (we're using fixed parameters here)
p <- c(0.01664314, 0.39631218, 0.18684476, 2.25121568, 0.82495093) # MLE
Model_X <- hOUwie(tree, trait, = 1, discrete_model = "ER",
continuous_model = "OUM", nSim = 25, p = p)
p <- c(0.01664314, 0.39631218, 0.18684476, 0.25, 2.25121568, 0.82495093) # not MLE
Model_Y <- hOUwie(tree, trait, = 1, discrete_model = "ER",
continuous_model = "OUMV", nSim = 25, p = p)
p <- c(0.01664314, 0.39631218, 0.09631218, 0.18684476, 2.25121568, 0.82495093) # not MLE
Model_Z <- hOUwie(tree, trait, = 1, discrete_model = "ER",
continuous_model = "OUMA", nSim = 25, p = p)
# put the model results into a list
model_list <- list(Model_X = Model_X, Model_Y = Model_Y, Model_Z = Model_Z)
# get a model table describing the relative fits to the data
} # }
# }